Lollo provar testen

 Jag var ju bara tvungen ;)

Which Friends character are you?

You are part Rachel. You're very selfish and pay great attention to image. Spoiled when you were young, you were always the popular and snobbish kid. Although you hang on to your adolescent attributes, you grow more responsible every year.
You are part Ross. You're intelligent and adored by your parents. However, your lack of social skills causes you to talk too much and try too hard. While your friends pick on you for your nerdiness, they better watch our for your rage.

Which Sex and the City character are you?

You are Charlotte. Fairytales were made for you. You've had your share of heartbreak, but that doesn't stop you from opening your heart to others and searching for your happily-ever-after. To some, you may appear naive and your romantic ideals far-fetched, but you know that someday, your Prince will come.

Which Disney princess are you?

You are Cinderella. You are hard-working and never complain, however, your trust is sometimes misplaced and people sometimes take advantage of you. Still, you are beautiful inside and out, and one day you will realize it and find true love.

Och Lilli.. jag blev också Chuch Norris! Haha..
Och föresten. Hur går det med London?


Postat av: Lilli

Jag tror på London, dett kommer nog att gå ! Men jullovet är bättre pga många shopping anledningar men oxå att jag nog inte får ledigt från skolan en gång till.. Vi kan kolla sas igen :) Puss o Kram

2007-09-06 @ 10:02:47
Postat av: Lollo

Jullovet blir perfekt! Julrea :):)

2007-09-06 @ 12:30:38

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